Welcome to the Last Sunrise ☆
This a space for me to celebrate my own life & interests in my own little corner of the internet. Created as a homage to Web 1.0, I'm hoping to use this as a sandbox to perfect my programming skills separate from the constraints and toxicity of social media.
Sit down, relax, and enjoy your stay here! Please sign my guestbook so I can check out your own page, or say hi on my Neocities profile!

Warning: This page is NOT mobile friendly, or screenreader friendly. I'm planning on eventually making it responsive, but for right now please stick to a desktop or tablet!!
Things To Do
- Finish Plushie Islands page
- Make a creative corner, with an OC wiki & portfolio
- Finish Missy reviews for DW shrine
- Basically everything else on the DW shrine too...
- Set up blog & write first entry
- Figure out themes & make a dark mode
Retronaut Webring
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