Cat's Blog

Showing 1-5 of 6 total posts

Version 3.0 (V3 New Me)

Published: 2025-01-30

It's been a while, but I'm back and with a revamped site layout! Aside from the new layout, this blog post includes: thoughts on moving to a Astro, my first static site generator, and some musings on the future of the website.


Version 2.3

Published: 2023-11-23

Procrastinating the actually important site updates with a mini update and a new shrine! - MGS Shrine - What it says on the tin: the landing page for a new Metal Gear shrine to tide over my brainrot.


Version 2.2

Published: 2023-10-23

After an embarassingly long hiatus due to school and other life matters, I'm finally getting myself back into the programming workflow. The changes here are all centered around the hub for my active D&D campaign, but are an important step in the direction of a full creative archive for the website: - D&D campaign page - An archival page for my current D&D campaign, What Comes Next? - Session RSS feed - An RSS feed for every new D&D session, specifically to integrate into a Discord webhook. - Accessibility improvements - Small HTML changes all around the site to make it screenreader friendly.



Published: 2023-06-28

Happy pride month! This year I offer some musings on my complicated relationship with romantic attraction, and how it feels to exist while in a long-term romantic relationship. Next year, who knows?


Version 2.1

Published: 2023-06-13

Welcome to the first update of Version 2 of The Last Sunrise! This time around I focused mostly on building a blog hub for the site, but there's some other changes to make the backend of development a little bit smoother in the future: - Blogs page - A hub for all bloggy posts, including both changelogs and personal journals. - Popout images - The ability to click on images and display them in their full without opening them on a new tab or downloading them. - Universal sidebars - A script to make sure no pages get left behind in future updates.


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